Tag: Exchange 2007
Export mailbox to PST Exchange 2007
You must run this from a 32-bit Windows OS (I used Windows 7 Ent. 32-bit) with Exchange Management Tools installed, version Exchange 2007 SP1 or later, (I used Exchange 2007 SP3 with update rollup 13) and Outlook 2003 or Outlook 2007 (I used Outlook 2007 with SP3). Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Management Tools (32-Bit) download.…
Search, list and export all distribution groups email addresses in Exchange
In Exchange Management Shell: Get-DistributionGroup | select DisplayName -ExpandProperty EmailAddresses | select DisplayName, SmtpAddress | export-csv C:\dg_email_address.csv
Modify Exchange database size limit & event id: 9688
Event ID: 9688 Source: MSExchangeIS Mailbox Store Exchange store ‘<storage group name>\<database name>’: The logical size of this database (the logical size equals the physical size of the .edb file minus the logical free space) is 94 GB. This database size is approaching the size limit of 100 GB. If the logical database size exceeds…
Removing disconnected mailboxes in Exchange 2007
In Exchange Management Console you can’t purge disconnected mailboxes. To delete a disconnected mailbox in Exchange 2007 do the following: 1. List all disconnected mailboxes in Exchange Management Shell. > Get-MailboxStatistics | where-object { $_.DisconnectDate -ne $null } | Select DisplayName,MailboxGuid 2. Remove a mailbox > Remove-Mailbox -Database <database name> -StoreMailboxIdentity <mailbox guid> -confirm:$false Example:…
Display mailbox size in Exchange 2007
To display mailbox size in Exchange 2007 run this command in Exchange Management Shell. get-mailboxstatistics | fl displayname, totalitemsize To pipe the output into a text file. get-mailboxstatistics | fl displayname, totalitemsize > c:\mailboxsize.txt veiwing mailbox sizes in exchange 2007
A disabled user account stil receives e-mail
When you have a user account disabled in Active Directory the users mailbox still receives e-mail. To end this behavior you need to delete the user account in Active Directory (this also deletes the mailbox) or disabling the mailbox in Exchange Management Console. Disabling the mailbox in EMC actually deletes the mailbox.