Tag: Windows 2008 R2

  • Deploy printer via GPO. 0x80070005 Access is denied

    When trying to add a printer via GPO I got a warning in the application log on the remote desktop server. The user ‘Printer1’ preference item in the ‘Printers {GUID}’ Group Policy object did not apply because it failed with error code ‘0x80070005 Access is denied.’ This error was suppressed. Solution: Activate “Run in logged-on…

  • Accessing the resource ‘\\servername’ has been disallowed

    On a remote desktop server I got the message: Accessing the resource ‘\\servername’ has been disallowed when trying to access \\servername from file explorer. The GPO setting that caused this was: User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Start Menu and Taskbar/Remove Run menu from Start Menu. When i disabled this setting the users could access servers from file explorer.

  • Enable and start SQL Server Agent (Agent XPs disabled)

    After installing Microsoft SQL Server 2012 I tried to start SQL Server Agent (Agent XPs disabled) in SQL Server Management Studio. Didn’t work and I got a message to enable the agent with sp_configure. 1. Create a new query in SQL Server Management Studio. 2. Execute the following: sp_configure ‘show advanced options’, 1; GO RECONFIGURE;…

  • GPO to Hide Control Panel Items

    Path in Group Policy Management Console: User Configuration/Policies/Administrative Templates/Control Panel/Hide specified Control Panel items. Values: Microsoft.AdministrativeTools Microsoft.ActionCenter Microsoft.AutoPlay Microsoft.DefaultPrograms Microsoft.DeviceManager Microsoft.iSCSIInitiator Microsoft.NetworkAndSharingCenter Microsoft.PhoneAndModem Microsoft.PowerOptions Microsoft.ProgramsAndFeatures Microsoft.RemoteAppAndDesktopConnections Microsoft.System Microsoft.TextToSpeech Microsoft.Troubleshooting Microsoft.UserAccounts Microsoft.WindowsFirewall Microsoft.WindowsUpdate Flash Player Java Install Application On Remote Desktop Server More values can be found here.

  • Restore a deleted Active Directory object with PowerShell

    This requires that you have enabled the enable Active Directory Recycle Bin before you deleted the object. Run Windows PowerShell as Administrator. Start by loading the Active Directory module for Windows PowerShell: Import-Module ActiveDirectory List all deleted users (for some reason computer objects also are included when you use objectclass -eq “user): get-adobject -filter ‘objectclass…

  • DNS Manager freezes when trying to delete/remove name server

    When you try to remove a name server in the name server tab in DNS Manager you get the question “Do you want to delete the glue record” and then DNS Manager stops responding/freezes. I got this problem on a Windows 2008 R2 SP1. Solution Microsoft has a hotfix that solved my problem. Check out…