Tag: Exchange 2010
Update global address list in Exchange 2010
Start Exchange Management Shell Update-GlobalAddressList -Identity “GAL name”
Export mailbox from Exchange 2010
Start Exchange Management Shell If you want to export a user mailbox from exchange to a .pst file: New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox daniel.andersson -FilePath \\exchange2010\export\daniel.andersson.pst To see the status of the export: Get-MailboxExportRequest -Name MailboxExport | fl To see completed mailbox export requests: Get-MailboxExportRequest | where {$_.status -eq “Completed”} To clear all completed mailbox export request: Get-MailboxExportRequest…
Add permission on all public folders in Exchange
I used this to get folder owner permissions on all public folders for the user daniel. In Exchange Management Console: Get-PublicFolder -recurse | Add-PublicFolderClientPermission -User daniel -AccessRights FolderOwner Get-PublicFolder -recurse | Add-PublicFolderAdministrativePermission -User daniel -AccessRights AllExtendedRights
Search for an email address in Exchange / Active Directory
Open Active Directory Users and Computers. Right click on the domain and choose find. Change to custom search in the find field. Click on the advanced tab to enter a LDAP query. LDAP query to find the email address daniel@domain.com: proxyAddresses=smtp:daniel@domain.com LDAP query to find all objects that uses the email domain domain.com: proxyAddresses=smtp:*@domain.com
Search, list and export all mail contacts email addresses in Exchange
In Exchange Management Shell: Get-MailContact | select DisplayName -ExpandProperty EmailAddresses | select DisplayName, SmtpAddress | export-csv C:\mailcontacts_address.csv
Search, list and export all distribution groups email addresses in Exchange
In Exchange Management Shell: Get-DistributionGroup | select DisplayName -ExpandProperty EmailAddresses | select DisplayName, SmtpAddress | export-csv C:\dg_email_address.csv
Show available space in Exchange 2010 database
Open Exchange Management Shell: Get-MailboxDatabase -Status | ft name, availablenewmailboxspace,databasesize –AutoSize