Category: phpMyAdmin

  • Rename a database in phpMyAdmin

    I wanted to change a MySQL database name via phpMyAdmin. This is how I did it: 1. Login to phpMyAdmin. 2. Select the database you want to rename. 3. Click on operations tab. 4. In the “rename database to” section, specifiy the new name of the database. 5. You will get a question saying “CREATE…

  • phpMyAdmin tracking problem

    After installing phpMyAdmin 3.3.2deb1 on a Ubuntu 10.04 server with MySQL 5.1.41 I got this error massage when logging on to phpMyAdmin: The additional features for working with linked tables have been deactivated. To find out why click here. $cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘tracking’] … not OK [ Documentation ] Tracking: Disabled I sloved this by editing /etc/phpmyadmin/ and…

  • Import database larger then 2mb via phpMyAdmin

    To import databases larger then 2MB you need to edit /etc/php5/<flavour>/php.ini. Edit the existing parameters inĀ  php.ini, if they does not exists add them at the end of the file: post_max_size = 50M upload_max_filesize = 50M Restart the webserver. If you are using Apache: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart